Tesis doctorals

Any Autor/a Títol
2015 ALVAREZ, L. Rural water sustainability in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Sanitation Boards in Paraguay. PDF
2015 HERAS, M.  Towards new forms of learning. Exploring the potential of participatory theatre in sustainability science PDF
2015 PADULLÉS, J. Socioeconomic Status Determines Floristic Patterns in Suburban Domestic Gardens: Implications for Water Use and Alien Plant Dispersal in the Mediterranean Context PDF
2014 NUSS, S. Green Cities and Green Urban Economy; Contributions from case studies for a necessary low-carbon future PDF
2014 RICART, S. Vers una gestió territorial del regadiu. Model i aplicació a tres casos d’estudi de l’Europa meridional PDF
2014 RIDOLFI, E. Exploring new approaches in urban water governance: Case studies in Mediterranean areas PDF
2014 VISENTÍN, F.  Canali artificiali, territorialità idraulica e paesaggio. Uno studio comparativo tra Veneto, Catalogna e sud-ovest dell’Inghilterra PDF
2013 FUSTER GÓMEZ, R. El estado de la Gestión Integrada de los Recursos Hídricos en Chile: estudio de casos en la cuenca del Río Limarí PDF
2013 NOBAJAS GANAU, A. Bottled natural mineral water in Catalonia: Origin and geographical evolution PDF
2013 PUIG, J. Les varietats hortícoles locals del Vallès Oriental, estat de situació socioambiental PDF
2012 GARCIA, X.
Nous processos d’urbanització i consum d’aigua per a usos domèstics. Una aproximació de relacions a l’àmbit gironí


Worban Resilience and (un)sustainability. Exploring the nexus between resilience and urban systems


2012 LARA SANT MARTÍN, A. Percepción social en la gestión del riesgo de inundación en un área mediterránea (Costa Brava, España)


Turning Hazards into resources? Floods, wetlands and climate change in the Mediterranean coast of Spain PREZI
2011 DOMENECH PRETUS, L. Decentralized water management: Household Use of Raiunwater and Greywater in Spain and Nepal
2010 MARCH CORBELLA, H. Urban Management and Market Environmentalism: a Historical perspective for Barcelona and Madrid


2010 GRANADOS SÁNCHEZ, J. L’educació per la sostenibilitat a l’ensenyament de la Geografia: Un estudi de cas


2010 GUSMAN YUJRA, C. Assessment of uncertainties of soil erosion and sediment yield estimates at two spatial scales in the Upper Llobregat Basin (SE Pyrenees, Spain)


2010 LÓPEZ i GELATS, F. Are mountains leaving agriculture behind? The complex dynamics of agricultural abandonment in the Pyrenees



Tesis anteriors a 2010