Articles científics a revistes indexades (JCR i Scopus)


  • Gabarda, A.; Ribas, A. (2016). Understanding Reductions in Water Consumption in Tourist Areas: A Case Study of the Costa Brava, SpainInternational Journal of Water Resources Management.
  • Loftus, A.; March, H. (2016). Financializing Desalination: Rethinking the Returns of Big Infrastructure. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, DOI: 10.1111/1468-2427.12342
  • Loftus, A.; March, H.; Nash, F. (2016). Water Infrastructure and the Making of Financial Subjects in the South East of England. Water Alternatives, 9(2):319-335
  • LLausàs, A. and Sauri, D. (2016)  A research synthesis and theoretical model of relationships between factors influencing outdoor domestic water consumption, Society and Natural Resources.
  • Morote, A.; Hernandez, M.; Sauri, D. (2016). Residential tourism, swimming pools and water demand in the Western Mediterranean. The Professional Geographer. DOI: 10.1080/00330124.2015.1135403
  • Padullés, J.; Kirkpatrick, J. B.; Vila, J.(2016). Do Water Requirements of Mediterranean Gardens relate to Socio-economic and Demographic factors?Urban Water Journal.
  • Padullés, J.; Vila, J.; BarriocanaL, C.(2016). Floristic and structural differentiation between gardens of primary and secondary residences in the Costa Brava (Catalonia, Spain). Urban Ecosystems, 19(1), pp. 505-521.
  • Ricart, S. (2016). Improving the management of water multi-functionality through stakeholder involvement in decision-making processes. Utilities Policy, In press, pp. doi:10.1016/j.jup.2016.04.015.
  • Ricart, S.; Clarimont, S.(2016). Qualifying irrigation system sustainability and governance by means of stakeholder perceptions: lessons from the Neste irrigation canal (France)International Journal of Water Resources Development.
  • Ricart, S.; Ribas, A.; Pavón, D.(2016). Qualifying irrigation system sustainability by means of stakeholder perceptions and concerns: lessons from the Segarra-Garrigues Canal (Spain)Natural Resources Forum, Accepted, in edition.
  • Ricart, S.; Clarimont, S.(2016). Modelling the links between irrigation, ecosystem services and rural development in pursuit of social legitimacy: Results from a territorial analysis of the Neste System (Hautes-Pyrénées, France)Journal of Rural Studies, 43, pp. 1-12.
  • Ricart, S.; Gandolfi, C.(2016). Balancing irrigation multifunctionality based on key stakeholders attitudes: Lessons learned from the Muzza system, Italy. Agricultural Water Management.
  • Ricart, S.; Ribas, A.; Pavón, D. (2016). Modelling the stakeholder profile in territorial management: An assessment of Segarra-Garrigues irrigation system (Spain)The Professional Geographer, 68 (2).
  • Vallès, M.; March, H.; Sauri, D. (2016). Decentralized and user-led approaches to rainwater harvesting and greywater recyclying in a Mediterranean Area: The case of SantCugat del Vallès (Barcelona, Spain),Built Environment.


  • Dinarès, M.; Sauri, D. (2015) Drought and water conservation actions: the case of the hotel industry of Barcelona during the episode of 2007-2008. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica 61(3), 623-649.
  • Domènech, L; March, H.; Vallés, M.; Saurí, D. (2015). Learning processes during regime shifts: Empirical evidence from the diffusion of greywater recycling in Spain. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 15:26-41
  • Heras, M.;Tàbara, J. D. (2015). Conservation Theatre.Mirroring experiences and performing stories in community management of Natural Resources. Society and Natural Resources, 29(8): 948-964. DOI:10.1080/08941920.2015.10953
  • Hernández, M.; Saurí, D; Morales, A. (2015). Auge y caída de nuevas naturalezas urbanas: plantas ornamentales y expansión turístico-residencial en Alicante. Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, 68, 129-157.
  • Kallis, G.; March, H. (2015). Imaginaries of Hope: The Utopianism of Degrowth. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 105(2):360-368
  • Loftus, A., March, H. (2015). Financialising nature?[Editorial Special Issue on Financialisation).Geoforum, 60:172-17.
  • March, H.; Hernández, M.; Saurí, D. (2015). Assessing domestic water use habits for more effective awareness campaigns during drought periods: a case study in Alicante, eastern Spain. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 15(5): 963-972.
  • March, H.; Hernández, M.; Saurí, D. (2015). Percepción de recursos convencionales y no convencionales en áreas sujetas a estrés hídrico: el caso de Alicante. Revista de Geografía Norte Grande, 60:153-172.
  • March, H. (2015). The politics, geography, and economics of desalination: a critical review. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews WATER, 2(3):231-243
  • March, H.; Hernández, M.; Saurí, D. (2015). Percepción de recursos convencionales y no convencionales en áreas sujetas a estrés hídrico: el caso de Alicante, Norte Grande, 60 153-172.
  • March, H.; Hernández, M.; Saurí, D. (2015). Assessing domestic water use habits for more effective water awareness campaigns during drought periods: a case study in Alicante, eastern Spain, Natural Hazards Earth Systems Sciences, 15, 963-972.
  • Ricart, S. (2015). Towards a more territorial analysis approach. Deepening in the stakeholders’ discourses of three multi-functional Southern European irrigated systemsJournal of Agriculture & Life Sciences, 2 (1), pp. 44-58.
  • Salvati, L.; Ridolfi, E; Sauri, D.;  Serra, P. (2015). Latent sprawl, divided landscapes: urban growth, uses of water and the socio-spatial context in a Mediterranean city (Athens, Greece). Urban Geography DOI: 10.1080/02723638.2015.1058115.
  • Saurí, D.; March, H.; Gorostiza, S. (2015). Des ressources conventionnelles aux ressources non conventionnelles: l’approvisionnement moderneen eau de la ville de Barcelone. Flux, 97(3):101-109
  • Padullés, J.; Vila, J.; BarriocanaL, C.(2015). Propagule Pressure from Invasive Plant Species in Gardens in Low-Density Suburban Areas of the Costa Brava (Spain)Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 14 (4), pp. 941–951.
  • Padullés, J.; Vila, J.; Barriocanal, C.(2015). Biodiversidad vegetal y ciudad: aproximaciones desde la ecología urbana. Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, 68, pp. 83-107.
  • Vila, Josep; Rodríguez, Roser; Varga, Diego; Ribas, A.; Úbeda, X.; Asperó, F.; Llausàs, A.; Outeiro, L. (2015). Stakeholder perceptions of landscape change in the Mediterranean mountains of the northeastern iberian peninsulaLand Degradation & Development, DOI: 10.1002/ldr.2337.


  • Garcia, X.; Pargament, D. (2014). Rehabilitating rivers and enhancing ecosystem services in a water-scarcity context: the Yarqon River. International Journal of Water Resources Development, (ahead-of-print), pp. 1-15.





  • March, H. (2011), Book review Sustainability in Austerity. How Local Government Can Deliver During Times of Crisis. Journal of Cleaner Production,19:1770-1771
  • Robson, D.; Barriocanal, C. (2011). Ecological conditions in wintering and passage areas as determinants of timing of spring migration in trans-Saharan migratory birds.Journal of Animal Ecology, 80, pp. 320-331.


  • March, H.; Saurí, D. (2010). The suburbanization of water scarcity in the Barcelona Metropolitan Region: socio-demographic and urban changes influencing domestic water consumption, The Professional Geographer, 62(1), 32-45.


  • Saurí, D. , Paré, M.; Domene, E. (2009), Changing conceptions of sustainability in the design of Barcelona public parks(1983-2002). The Geographical Review, 99(1), 23-36



  • Muñoz, M.; Tàbara, J.D.; Oschmann, V. (2007). Harmonisation of renewable electricity feed-in back laws in the European Union. Energy Policy, 35:3104-3114.


  • Barriocanal, C.; Crous, A.; Varga, D.; Vila, J. (2006). Preliminary assessment of factors responsible for periodic river mouth closure, river Daró,(Costa Brava, Girona). Journal of Coastal Research, 16-20.




  • Llurdés, J.C.; Saurí, D. ; Cerdan, R. (2003). Wasted Years: The Failure of Siting Waste Facilities in Central Catalonia, Spain. Land Use Policy, 20(4), 335-342.


  • Badia, A.; Saurí, D.; Cerdan, R.; Llurdés, J.C. (2002). Casualty and management of forest fires in Mediterranean environments: an example from Catalonia. Environmental Hazards, 4(1), 23-32.



  • Saurí, D.; Breton, F.; Ribas, A.; Llurdés, J.C. ; , Romagosa, F. (2000). The ecological values of traditional land use in low-lying coastal environments: the example of the ‘Aiguamolls de l’Empordà’ (Costa Brava).Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 43(2), 277-290.


  • Tàbara, J.D.; Paniagua. A. (Coords.) (1998). Sustentabilidad, Recursos Naturales y Políticas de Medio Ambiente. Revista Internacional de Sociología. Instituto de Estudios Sociales Avanzados del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
  • Tàbara, J.D. (1998). The Sociology of the Environment Revista Internacional de Sociología, 19-20, 394-399.
  • Edwards, J.A.; Llurdés, J.C. (1996). Industrial heritage: mines and quarries. Annals of Tourism Research, 23(2), 341-363.