Any | Autor/a | Títol | |
2015 | ALVAREZ, L. | Rural water sustainability in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Sanitation Boards in Paraguay. | |
2015 | HERAS, M. | Towards new forms of learning. Exploring the potential of participatory theatre in sustainability science | |
2015 | PADULLÉS, J. | Socioeconomic Status Determines Floristic Patterns in Suburban Domestic Gardens: Implications for Water Use and Alien Plant Dispersal in the Mediterranean Context | |
2014 | NUSS, S. | Green Cities and Green Urban Economy; Contributions from case studies for a necessary low-carbon future | |
2014 | RICART, S. | Vers una gestió territorial del regadiu. Model i aplicació a tres casos d’estudi de l’Europa meridional | |
2014 | RIDOLFI, E. | Exploring new approaches in urban water governance: Case studies in Mediterranean areas | |
2014 | VISENTÍN, F. | Canali artificiali, territorialità idraulica e paesaggio. Uno studio comparativo tra Veneto, Catalogna e sud-ovest dell’Inghilterra | |
2013 | FUSTER GÓMEZ, R. | El estado de la Gestión Integrada de los Recursos Hídricos en Chile: estudio de casos en la cuenca del Río Limarí | |
2013 | NOBAJAS GANAU, A. | Bottled natural mineral water in Catalonia: Origin and geographical evolution | |
2013 | PUIG, J. | Les varietats hortícoles locals del Vallès Oriental, estat de situació socioambiental | |
2012 | GARCIA, X. |
Nous processos d’urbanització i consum d’aigua per a usos domèstics. Una aproximació de relacions a l’àmbit gironí | |
2012 | CHELLERI, L. |
Worban Resilience and (un)sustainability. Exploring the nexus between resilience and urban systems | |
2012 | LARA SANT MARTÍN, A. | Percepción social en la gestión del riesgo de inundación en un área mediterránea (Costa Brava, España) | |
2011 | SERRA LLOBET, A. |
Turning Hazards into resources? Floods, wetlands and climate change in the Mediterranean coast of Spain | PREZI |
2011 | DOMENECH PRETUS, L. | Decentralized water management: Household Use of Raiunwater and Greywater in Spain and Nepal | |
2010 | MARCH CORBELLA, H. | Urban Management and Market Environmentalism: a Historical perspective for Barcelona and Madrid | |
2010 | GRANADOS SÁNCHEZ, J. | L’educació per la sostenibilitat a l’ensenyament de la Geografia: Un estudi de cas | |
2010 | GUSMAN YUJRA, C. | Assessment of uncertainties of soil erosion and sediment yield estimates at two spatial scales in the Upper Llobregat Basin (SE Pyrenees, Spain) | |
2010 | LÓPEZ i GELATS, F. | Are mountains leaving agriculture behind? The complex dynamics of agricultural abandonment in the Pyrenees |