
1st Seminar of the Research Group in Geography and Gender of the academic year 22/23

Last Friday 13 October, Asun Blanco, Inmaculada Díaz and Mariana Martínez participated in the 1st session of the 23-24 course of the seminar of the Research Group in Geography and Gender.

Asun Blanco and Inmaculada Díaz, professors of the Geography department and members of the TUDISTAR Research Group, gave a conference called “Tourism and gender in the 21st century. Contributions to a new research agenda”. The TUDISTAR group has been working on tourism issues for more than 20 years. Despite evidencing the importance of tourism from a gender perspective, as a topic that is not new, it has recently been confirmed that there is no continuity as a line of research in Spanish or Catalan academia. On the contrary, there are contributions from Latin America that can be essential references with which to create a network of common objectives.

Marina Martínez, doctoral student at the Universidad del Litoral Santa Fe, Argentina, presented her research called “The house, women and the cycles of the river. On the construction of habitability in a neighborhood that floods, in the city of Santa Fe-Argentina”. La Vuelta del Paraguayo is a riverside neighborhood of the city of Santa Fe that is located in the alluvial valley of the Paraná River and has the peculiarity that it cyclically suffers from floods. This presentation delved into the strategies for building habitability that women deploy in their homes to be able to coexist with the cycles of the river.