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Session of “Geography, Gender and Intersectionality” by the Geography Day at the University of Girona

On the occasion of Geography Day at the University of Girona, the doctor and member of the Geography and Gender Research Group, Isabel Salamaña, has organized a session called: “Geography, Gender and intersectionality”. Dr. Mireia Baylina also participates as a guest speaker. The day’s program is as follows:

10:00h. Conference. Place: Classroom C3

Núria FONT CASASECA: “How to incorporate the gender perspective in GIS and data visualization”

Architect and doctor in geography, she is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University Pompey Fabra in the INTERMAPS Project and associate professor at the University of Barcelona.

 11:15h. a 12:30h. Workshops. Place: Library

The workshops will be conducted:

  • Federica Ravera and Maria Borràs. Map Library
  • Sara Mingorría and Rosa Cerarols. Aurora Bertrana classroom
  • Mariana Valderrama, Isabel Salamaña and Núria Font. Laboratory

12:45 a 13:45. Sharing of workshops. Place: Classroom C3

14:15h. Lunch

15:20h. Presentation, visit and explanation of the exhibition “Women and mountains in motion” by Federica RAVERA. Place: Faculty of Arts

16:20 h. Debate. Place: Classroom C3

“Women, intersectionality and ruralities”: Mireia BAYLINA, geographer (UAB); Rosa CERAROLS, geographer (UPF) y Joan NOGUÉ, geographer (UdG)