Interfase-UAB participates in the ESPON seminar ‘Transforming Territorial Thinking Through Digitalisation”

Interfase-UAB has participated in the ESPON seminar focused on ‘Transforming Territorial Thinking Through Digitalisation”, representing two ongoing projects: ESPON 2020 Database Portal and ESPON GRETA. Continue reading “Interfase-UAB participates in the ESPON seminar ‘Transforming Territorial Thinking Through Digitalisation””

Report: Health and Quality of Life in Urban Areas

The second in a series of Synthesis Reports (SR) produced by FP7 URBAN-NEXUS project addresses the importance and urgency of integrating health and quality of life in urban areas. Continue reading “Report: Health and Quality of Life in Urban Areas”

Europe is losing seasonal sea ice faster than perennial

Walruses, belugas and narwhals are the most affected marine mammal species

According to the preliminary results of an ongoing research where Joan Parera and Raquel Ubach are developing a new indicator for monitoring sea ice extent, seasonal sea ice is declining faster than perennial. Continue reading “Europe is losing seasonal sea ice faster than perennial”