La jornada Aprenem del Glòria al delta: mapes de risc d’inundació i component marinaes, organitzat per Interfase y Taula del Llobregat realitzarà la tarda del 23 de setembre de 2021, de 16:30 a 19:00. Continue reading “Jornada: Aprenem del Glòria al delta del Llobregat, 23 setembre 2021”
Category: Coastal and marine socioecological systems
Experts in Arctic communities meet in Barcelona
The UAB’s CER-ARCTIC Research Centre organized the past 24-27 April 2018 in Barcelona the 1st ARCTIC research Week, with the participation of renowned experts in Arctic communities.
Continue reading “Experts in Arctic communities meet in Barcelona”
Europe is losing seasonal sea ice faster than perennial
Walruses, belugas and narwhals are the most affected marine mammal species
According to the preliminary results of an ongoing research where Joan Parera and Raquel Ubach are developing a new indicator for monitoring sea ice extent, seasonal sea ice is declining faster than perennial. Continue reading “Europe is losing seasonal sea ice faster than perennial”
The UAB Opens New Arctic Research Centre
The UAB inaugurated its new CER ARCTIC research centre, unique in the whole of Spain in this area and innovative in research that is respectful with and to local Arctic communities. Directed by UAB professor and INTERFASE team researcher Françoise Breton, the centre will focus particularly on the global changes and their impact on the local population. Continue reading “The UAB Opens New Arctic Research Centre”
NILS project – Research stage in the Arctic to study the vulnerability of whale species and whale hunting local communities
Brief Description:
This research stage has been completed by Dra. Françoise Breton from INTERFASE research group of Geography Department and ICTA institute of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), in collaboration with Dr. Svein Jentoft and MARA research group from the University of Tromsø (UiT – The Arctic University of Norway). Continue reading “NILS project – Research stage in the Arctic to study the vulnerability of whale species and whale hunting local communities”
Pilot project in the Adriatic on testing the candidate common indicator ‘Land use change’ in the Mediterranean within the EcAp framework/EcAp-MED project
Brief Description:
In the overall framework of an EU funded project on the “Implementation of the Ecosystem Approach in the Mediterranean by the Contracting parties in the context of the Barcelona Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the coastal region of the Mediterranean and its Protocols” (EcAp-MED project 2012-15), the Pilot project in the Adriatic aims, following up on the CORMON outcomes, to test the applicability of the land-use change candidate common indicator, though a sub-regional pilot.