“Procesos de re-ruralización y re-feminización en el medio rural. Análisis desde la geografía del género”
This project aims to analyze the processes of re-ruralization and re-feminization in the current rural environment from a gender and intersectional perspective. That is, processes inverse to rural depopulation, specifically, the arrival of young adults with university education and with their own professional initiatives. It is about learning about entrepreneurship initiatives from below, in different sectors led by highly trained actors who can illustrate local responses to rural revitalization. Likewise, we work on the daily experience of young people who currently live in rural areas and how they perceive their future in this territory. This research focuses on some dynamics of the rural environment that are little known but very relevant to understanding the current and future situation of the rural environment.
“Child poverty and neighbourhood opportunity structures: managing on low income in Barcelona”
This project aims to evaluate how low-income households with children in Barcelona manage the resources they have available (including income, but also networks, public and private services) to address situations of vulnerability.
“Fostering Queer Feminist Intersectional Resistances against Transnational Anti-Gender Politics (RESIST)”
RESIST addresses “anti-gender” policies that endanger equality, gender and sexual diversity, and the legitimacy of critical knowledge in contemporary Europe. What is crucial for the project is to know the feminist and queer practices of resistance against “anti-gender” policies, how they work and are theorized in collectives and autonomous grassroots organizations in our cases from 8 countries: Ireland, Spain, Belarus, France, Switzerland, Poland, Germany, Greece and in a transnational case of people living in exile because of the “anti-gender” policy.
“Mapping intersectionality: a conceptual and methodological model for the study of inequalities and discriminations (INTERMAPS)”
INTERMAPS wants to contribute to understanding how structural inequalities are (re)produced and how they differently affect people’s daily lives, building bridges between feminist and postcolonial theories, critical geographies and political and social sciences.
“Social Isolation and Loneliness among the Urban Elderly: Analysis and Policy Recommendations for the City of Barcelona (GRANBCN)”
GRANBCN wants to analyze the impact of aging, urban change and their interaction in the different neighborhoods of the city. It also focuses on examining social intervention processes to emotionally support older people who feel lonely.
“Geographies of sexualities and the right to the city: an emotional and intersectional for the case of LGTBI community (SEXITY)”
This project aims to develop new conceptualizations and methodologies to collect, analyze and visualize inequalities that can contribute to a better understanding of power dynamics and more inclusive and egalitarian cities. The focus on the LGTBI (Lesbian, Gay, Trans, Bisexual and Intersex) group, considering its diversity in terms of origin, religious identity, ethnicity, social class, disability or age, can not only account for discrimination based on sexual orientation. sexual and gender identity, but also allow an intersectional conceptualization of these.
“Parejas mixtas entre población gitana y no-gitana: una aproximación teórica con prospección etnográfica en el Área Metropolitana de Barcelona”
“Dinámicas de mixticidad en población gitana de Cataluña: relaciones interétnicas, aculturación y procesos de inclusión y exclusión social (GITMIX)”
(*) The general objective of these two projects is to analyze the dynamics of mixticity (inter-ethnic unions and their descendants) of the Roma population in Catalonia, in relation to attention to diversity and intercultural processes, understood as the interactive process of coexistence in diversity, with full participation and social interaction among all its members beyond simple recognition, and which leads to the formation of a plural and cohesive society. Starting from the basis that cultures are not static, the relationship between mixticity and the processes of acculturation is studied, that is, intergenerational cultural change and maintenance of cultural values, norms and behaviors, particularly referring to cultural identity, gender relations and discrimination processes related to antigypsyism.