Nuevo capítulo de libro en Emerald Publishing

Los investigadores Jose-Antonio Corral y Gemma Cànoves han publicado el capítulo “An approach to tourism research in Spain” en el libro Tourism Research Paradigms: Critical and Emergent Knowledges (Tourism Social Science Series, Volume 22) de la Editorial Emerald Group Publishing.
Este estudio analiza la investigación de turismo en España y se centra en los investigadores (su origen regional y afiliación) las características de la investigación, metodologías, areas disciplinarias y las actitudes hacia la investigación turística.
A continuación añadimos el abstract y la referencia:
The proceedings of the 17 editions of the conference of the Spanish Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism constitute a valuable archival resource within the research on Spanish tourism. But so far their contents have not been analyzed. The aim of this chapter is to examine the research that has been presented at its conference by means of a bibliometric analysis of the proceedings of 17 editions. The study focuses on the origin of the research (countries, regions, institutions, and authors), as well as its characteristics in terms of themes dealt with, geographical areas researched, methodologies, disciplinary areas, and attitudes toward tourism. Implications for the evolution of the research are discussed in terms of knowledge contributions and the shaping of major tourism research traditions.
José-Antonio Corral-Marfil , Gemma Cànoves-Valiente (2016), An Approach to Tourism Research in Spain, in Ana María Munar , Tazim Jamal (ed.) Tourism Research Paradigms: Critical and Emergent Knowledges (Tourism Social Science Series, Volume 22) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.167 – 189