Nuevo artículo sobre sostenibilidad y alquiler de pisos turísticos en Barcelona

Anunciamos la publicación de un nuevo artículo realizado por Asunción Blanco-Romero, Macià Blázquez-Salo y Gemma Cànoves, titulado “Barcelona, Housing Rent Bubble in a Tourist City. Social Responses and Local Policies“, publicado en la revista “Sustainability“.
Los autores analizan el caso de la burbuja en los precios de pisos de alquiler turístico, el papel del capital especulativo, la respuesta social y las políticas locales. Mediante un estudio estadístico y con entrevistas a agentes clave del sector, se ofrece un nuevo análisis de la situación actual del turismo en Barcelona.
Ten years after the housing bubble burst, Barcelona has experienced an increase in rental prices. This increase in prices is due to a combination of factors such as household debt, urban entrepreneurialism and the marketing of the city, evictions, investment by speculative capital, changes in tenancy and an increase in rental housing for tourists. Overcrowding from tourists is gaining ground as a concern in multifunctional cities. Through an analysis of statistics and in-depth interviews with qualified agents, it is possible to observe how social struggles and unsustainability have outraged citizens and pitted them against overcrowding from tourism and the commodification of the city. The local administration of Barcelona has tried to respond to the situation by initiating a process of regulation through urban and tourism planning. Our analysis shows that these actions are of great importance but are not enough to alleviate some of the drawbacks, such as the shortage of rental housing and an excess of hotel beds.
Puedes descargar el artículo completo siguiendo este enlace.
Blanco-Romero, A.; Blázquez-Salom, M.; Cànoves, G. Barcelona, Housing Rent Bubble in a Tourist City. Social Responses and Local Policies. Sustainability 2018, 10, 2043.