New contract between EEA and ETC/ACM Consortium


The European Topic Centre on Air Pollution and Climate Change Mitigation (ETC/ACM) and the European Environment Agency (EEA) negotiated the third yearly contract to start in January 2016.

The SGR-Interfase team leads the tasks related to environmental noise in the ETC/ACM Consortium.

The main tasks to be accomplished in 2016 are focused on the management and quality check and quality control of the noise data delivered by the EEA Member States in compliance with the information required by the Environmental Noise Directive (END) and its publication in a new noise viewer that will be available at the end of the year.

The second main focus of the work being developed by the SGR-Interfase team is the assessment at European level of all the available information related to environmental noise, in order to evaluate the state-of-the-art at European level and assess potential improvements from the current situaion to the upcoming future. This part is mainly going to be achieved by the update of the yearly indicators on environmental noise at EEA level and the assessment reports developed every two years on this topic by the EEA, which includes other aspects such as noise management, noise action plans or health impact assessment due to noise exposure.

New topics that are going to be addressed in 2016 are focused on estimating the population living outside the areas covered by the END that could be potentially exposed to high levels of noise and also on methodologies to forecast noise exposure by 2020, 2030 or 2050.