Next Friday, October 13, 15:00 – 17:00, in DAG Room of the Department of Geography ,the first Seminar of the Geography and Gender Group of the academic year 2023-2024 will take place. To inaugurate the course we have invited Asun Blanco and Inmaculada Díaz, colleagues of the department, and Marina Martinez, Argentinean PhD student to explain their research:

Asun Blanco & Inmaculada Díaz, Department of Geography, UAB 

45-50′ conference + discussion

“Turisme i gènere al segle XXI. Aportacions a una nova agenda de recerca”: El grup TUDISTAR treballa en temes de turisme des de fa més de 20 anys. Malgrat evidenciar la importància del turisme des de la perspectiva de gènere, com un tema que no és nou, es constata recentment que no existeix una continuïtat com a línia de recerca a l’acadèmia espanyola o catalana. Per contra, si existeixen aportacions provinents d’Amèrica Llatina que poden ser referents imprescindibles amb els que crear una xarxa d’objectius comuns. 

Marina Martinez, doctoranda de CONICET, Argentina

30′ presentation of the research + debate

“The house, the women and the cycles of the river. On the construction of habitability in a neighborhood that floods in the city of Santa Fe-Argentina”: La Vuelta del Paraguayo is a riverside neighborhood in the city of Santa Fe, located in the alluvial valley of the Paraná River and has the peculiarity that it cyclically suffers floods. In this presentation we will delve into the strategies of construction of habitability that women deploy in their homes in order to coexist with the cycles of the river.

The activity is linked to the PhD in Geography.