History & expertise

The INTERFASE research group was founded by Professor Françoise Breton in 1992. Between 2010 and 2014 the group coordinated the European FP7 PEGASO project, which designed integrated policies for the coastal, marine and maritime zones of the Mediterranean and Black Sea Basins. The group has collaborated with institutions such as the European Environment Agency (EEA) and UNEP/MAP. Currently, INTERFASE researchers participate in two EEA Topic Centres (ETCs): the European Topic Centre on Urban Land and Soil Systems (ETC/ULS) and the European Topic Centre for Air Pollution, Transport, Noise and Industrial Pollution (ETC/ATNI). INTERFASE has previously coordinated the ETC on Terrestrial Environment (2001-2006), the ETC on Land Use and Spatial Information (2007-2010), and the ETC on Spatial Information and Analysis (2011-2014).

Since 2005, INTERFASE has held the distinction of a Consolidated Research Group (SGR), awarded by the Directorate General for Research of the Generalitat de Catalunya (renewed in 2009, 2014 and 2017).