Successful workshop on data visualisation and cartographic practices with a gender perspective by Nuria Font (UPF)

On 6 and 8 May, the renowned postdoctoral researcher at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Nuria Font, gave a workshop focused on data visualisation and cartographic practices applied to geographic research with a gender perspective.
The main objective of the workshop was to explore in a practical way the potential of visual and cartographic tools for research in geography and gender, as well as to incorporate these technologies in projects, regardless of the level of knowledge in GIS and data visualisation.

The first day of the workshop was dedicated to the exploration of creative visual and cartographic practices, and proposals and examples were presented from various disciplines to harness the power of maps beyond GIS, highlighting the usefulness of maps and visualisations as a strategy to collect and visualise data, narratives and emotions associated with specific places.
During the second session, innovations and digital tools applied to the collection, processing and visualisation of geographic data were addressed. From an open and prepositional perspective, GIS, web maps and other digital platforms were explored, discussing the main methodological and epistemological limitations, as well as alternative proposals to take advantage of the benefits of these technologies in research with a gender perspective. Practical exercises were also carried out with various tools and platforms, such as Relief Maps, AtlasCine, QualNotes and Storymaps, which offer new opportunities to collect, analyse and visualise qualitative and quantitative geographic data.

The workshop was an enriching space where participants were able to acquire new skills and knowledge to apply in their research projects, thus contributing to the advancement of the field of geography with a more inclusive and reflective gender perspective.

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